It becomes increasingly embarrassing for me once again to blog when I've been MIA so long.
Nevertheless, when I have this photo of my darling granddaughter opening a Christmas present from Mimi and PawPaw how could I not?
How many 7 year olds want a purple hummingbird feeder for Christmas? I had to get her to pose again for this picture since I didn't get a shot of the big smile on her face when she first pulled it out of the Wild Birds Unlimited sack. That smile was there! I hope that the feeder and the other hummingbird accessories we gave her will bring her much joy next spring when once again the "living helicopters" return.
Just as she and her big sister and parents bring us so much joy when they take that 3 hour drive and come visit us.
It's so tempting to try to catch you up on all the things that have occurred in my life since I last posted here but I won't. Maybe I will mention that RH and I celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary since I last posted here. There was a whole post planned about that but it never happened.
Rather than write about more happenings during my absence, I'll ask you if your holidays have been lovely, too? I hope so!
Here's a quote from a book I recently read that's led me to reading more of her novels:
The hummingbird is a living helicopter. It's also the most beautiful of animated beings. And with all that, the female is a dedicated homemaker. A perfectionist."
Margaret Culkin Banning
I Took My Love to the Country
That makes me appreciate even more the tiny birds who will one day feed at my granddaughter's purple feeder, especially the females who don't get as much notice as their colorful male mates. But I'm not going to go down that rabbit trail. Not now, anyway!