Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December was a difficult month.

 On December 2nd, at 4:30 p.m. we held our precious James Mason in our arms at the vet, unexpectedly having to say goodbye to him. We took him home to hold his little body and let his little sister BreeBree, on the left above, say goodbye, and the next morning our son Gurn came over to help RH build his casket and dig his grave next to Otis and Milo's. 

To all my fur baby moms and dads reading this, it just never gets easier, does it?

Our December changed then, became quieter and centered around helping BreeBree get through it just as she helped us. 

She and I, and she and RH, snuggled a lot this month. We watched some Christmas movies but not with the happiness normal to the season.

Between necessary chores around the house, I'd hold BreeBree on my lap, a blanket around both of us, and watched episode after episode on television of Homeworthy on YouTube, the Christmas episodes. Do you know the channel where homeowners give you a tour of their homes? 

I took a picture of one of my favorites but can't remember her name. She's an interior designer but started off years ago making elaborate beaded Christmas ornments for Neiman Marcus like these trees she did for herself years ago.--[later: her name is Cora Brown from NJ and actually she is a jewelry designer.]

And I watched Christmas at Belmont University, from here in Nashville, live-streamed on Prime. How amazing that this special show that RH and I went to in person several times years ago was now available to watch live from the comfort of home, BreeBree on my lap.

I didn't do my normal reading of my collection of vintage Christmas books. Instead, I shared many of my collection in Christmas gifts to family. 

My Libby app brought me this book from Louise Penny...

I had long looked forward to its arrival since the release of the book but gave up after a few day after realizing that it was doing nothing for my Christmas spirit, as much as I love the author.

Instead I searched for a light Christmas "beach read" and found this one that takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland, set in an old bookshop. This I could listen to.

And so we made it through December, week by week, very little festive baking done but enjoying the comfort of the Christmas tree and lighted garlands and the automatic battery candles I found last year through blog friend Kim's blog that came on at 4 each darkening evening. There were also the comforts of many texts and phone calls coming from our four amazing children.

And then the week before Christmas there was a visit from out-of-town family that brought laughter and good talks and future plans to discuss and reminisces of wonderful memories. 

And Christmas came.

As I get ready to publish this it is only a few hours till midnight on New Year's Eve. 

I was determined to publish at least one December post in a month when I had meant to publish many so I'm thankful I'm doing it now, barely.

God bless you all and just in case I don't manage to post in early January, Happy New Year to each of you.


  1. Oh, Dear Dewena, how sad to lose James Mason -- it seems only a short time ago that he came into your life! That event would definitely put a pallor over your festivities. I'm glad you could squeak out a post here at the end of the year. May God bless you in 2025 and comfort your hearts in every way.

  2. I'm so very sorry for your loss of James Mason. Our pets are so precious to us and no, it doesn't get easier. I look forward to reading your blog and I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!

  3. Dear Dewena, I'm so sorry to hear you lost your precious James Mason. I'm a long time blog friend, so remember all the joy you had with both of your loyal companions. Yes, I've seen some of the channels where homeowners give a tour of their home. I watched one myself, a charming cozy house, but forget the name of the show. These trees are so pretty that this interior designer makes. A nice Christmas show that I think you'd like is Rick Steves' European Christmas. It shows many of the traditions that people have during the Christmas season in the different places that he travels. This is a wonderful picture of your family, and the grandgirls are getting so big. I hope you have much goodness come your way in the new year, Dewena. And thank you for your blog friendship all these years.


    1. Thank you so much, Sheri. And I have watched Rick Steves for years, always beautiful.

  4. I am so sorry. Animals are our friends and the loss is so very sad. My dear Lucy is ten now, and I have thought a lot about whether to get another dog when she dies. I've quite decided that we won't. We are older, and just don't think we could do it. There is also a bit of poetry in that the first dog we ever chose ourselves was a Belgian Sheepdog named Lucy. Out current Lucy, a yellow Labrador Retriever, was one brought back to the breeder from whom we were going to get a puppy. We took out Lucy instead! I dread the day when she is no longer with us. I do know well all that you are feeling and I ache for you.

    1. Thank you so much, Nan. I understand that hard decision. It will just be BreeBree for us now with prayers that we will be here for her life even though a son has assured us he will care for her if needed.

  5. Dear Dewena, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved fur baby. What a difficult time for you as you adjust to life without him. I'm glad you have BreeBree to hold for comfort.
    I'm so glad you posted here and on your other blog. May God bless you in 2025 and keep you in his loving care.

  6. Dewena, I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet James Mason. This time of year makes the sorrow all the keener. I'm glad you were gentle with yourself and took comfort as best you could. God bless you in 2025.

  7. Dear Dewena, I'm so sorry for your sad news about the loss of your dear doggie. You are right, it never gets easier--they leave such a huge hole when they go. It certainly would have dampened the festive spirit of Christmas in your home, but I hope you still found moments that gave you comfort and joy in the midst of the sadness. Sending heart hugs, Brenda xo

  8. Dear Dewena, I'm so sorry for the sudden loss of your beloved James Mason. Yes, his absence must be very challenging over the holidays and I know how much he is missed by all who loved him so dearly. I can imagine, from your description, how precious the moments are for you, RH and BreeBree, to to be spending quiet time together, cuddled in front to the TV, this winter.

    How lovely to have had your son and his family visit you and what a sweet photo of them by your festive decorations.
    I also enjoy watching Homeworthy and especially appreciate the stories and information the homeowners share about the unique items, furnishings, and history of their homes.

    Wishing you and your family all the very best in health and joy for 2025.

    Poppy xx

  9. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my friend. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet James Mason. I'm glad to hear that the candles helped to blunt the darkness a bit and that you were able to find a few moments of joy this holiday season, but I know they must've been bittersweet. Hugs to you and wishing you and your family a happy 2025. xo

  10. Oh, what a heavy hearted holiday! I know this feeling and experiencing it at Christmastime is so hard. I’m sorry for your loss. I find it amazing how animal friends understand and go through a grieving process alongside us. On a good note, you’ve alerted me to Homeworthy and I’ll be sure to check it out. Creativity and books somehow soften out troubles. Wishing you joy in the new, fresh year!

  11. Godspeed your loss of fabulous, loved, gorgeous, loving, and so much more....James Mason. Only difference now, from losing a pet in childhood, we don't have to wait as long to see them again. And, we'll see them all. XO T

  12. so sorry to read about your precious dog. It's a difficult time when we lose a part of the family. Enjoyed seeing your post.
