Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving Day, to My Fellow Americans!


Happy Thanksgiving Day to those of us in the United States of America! 

I don't know about you but I could use a few more days to get ready for it instead of just the remainder of this Wednesday. And our meal will be very streamlined for the two of us. 

I always thought by our 80s that RH and I would be the guests at someone else's home and my only chore would be baking a Chess or Pecan pie but things didn't work out that way with children scattered too far away for us to travel. 

One son may join us but as he's just flying home today after a visit to his sweetheart, I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to stay home and keep our granddoggie company tomorrow.

We love our granddoggie to pieces but he could swallow BreeBree and James Mason in two bites!

Can you see our babies behind the red chair that holds our other two guests, Mr. and Mrs. Turkey? They have a note attached to them where I'm begging they be loved by someone after I'm gone--the turkeys, that is.

Of course I have ten pages of typed notes for instructions of taking care of our dachshunds by a loved one who has promised to give them a home if needed.

I had every intention of blogging throughout November but it will be no surprise anyone to see that I haven't. Lots of pictures taken all month long but no blog posts published. Do any of my blog friends visiting do that too? 

Just in case you don't see another November post from me, please enjoy every single day of the rest of this beautiful month that is my favorite month of the year! 

Friday, November 1, 2024



I was 17 and on a family Sunday afternoon drive. Remember those?

Daddy insisted on taking photographs of all his four daughters. I bet my three younger sisters have a copy somewhere of photos taken of them that afternoon.

I freeze when a camera is pointed at me and the french twist I had for Sunday morning church did nothing for me in a front view. I never thought I would share this picture of me online but this November the shot of the young woman has become a little dearer to me because I remember her more fondly than I used to.

Hal Borland says that "November is the aging year, a woman whose Springtime children have grown and gone their way..."

November is my favorite month of the year but Borland's words made me a little sad until I read on:

"...but whose hair is often spangled, whose gray eyes are often alight, and whose dress of grays and firelight-gay, a glittering night, a crisp blue day, a whispering wind and a handful of determined fence row asters."

2024 is aging but once was young and so was I.

I'll wait and see what the rest of November has for me and mine and give a heart full of thanks to be here for each day.

I wish you a blessed November.