Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Home to Tennessee

A year ago today my post led off with this picture:

I wrote in that post of the joy of clipping berries and wildflowers for our home in Valley View. [here]

Less than 6 months later we had moved from our 1920 Tennessee valley farmhouse to Pointe Vedra Beach, Florida.

Some of you who were slightly dubious of the wisdom of this will not be surprised to learn what I've been doing the past week....

Once again I'm packing up our bits and pieces because R.H. and I are moving back to Tennessee.

I could write pages here about why but since it's been almost two months since I've last posted here, it's probably best just to test the waters and see if I still have any visitors left at the Window.

A big thank you to so many of you who checked on me when Hurricane Matthew visited us! And yes, we did evacuate, to Destin, Florida.

Our daughter and son-in-law took both sets of their parents safely away and we returned two days later as soon as the bridges were open to the island. To very little damage in our own neighborhood but Matthew sure did his best to tear up Christy and Bryan's beautiful yard.

Florida has been a lovely place to visit, but it has just not been home. Put plain and simple, R.H. and I miss living in Nashville, Tennessee. 

Our family in Tennessee will be searching for a place for us to live, and I'll keep you updated as we know more. Prayers would be appreciated so much!

I'm missing out on my favorite season in Tennessee, Autumn, but if we could be home for Christmas it would be lovely.

Everyone should be home for Christmas, don't you think?


  1. Oh Dewena,
    This gave me goosebumps and a lump in my throat. Yes, everyone should be home for Christmas.
    You know, my hat is off to you for embarking on this journey and seeing if this would be a good fit for you. Anyone who has traveled the mountains and valley of life know the perplexity that arises around each bend.
    I so respect your true grit for giving it all a whirl and now for bringing your love for Tennessee back home.
    Thinking of you and sending prayers too.
    With love,

  2. Well, to be honest with you, Dewena, I would choose Tennessee over Florida any day! I lived in Florida for 20 years, and I loved it there, but, even more, I love having seasons.

    I'm sure your daughter and her family will be sad to see y'all go.

    My very best wishes as you, once again, pack the moving truck and head to a new home.


  3. Hooray!! Even just through your words, I knew you were not happy there. You were trying, but one shouldn't have to try!! I'm thrilled you are going back home!!

  4. Of course we're still here and I'm happy for you. You've certainly been back and forth and yes to being home for Christmas. Then again, I love being home all the time -wry smile. Welcome, Dewena.

  5. I am happy you are moving HOME! At least you realized that FL wasn't home for you and decided to take the bull by the horns and move back to your roots. Good for you. I hope you get home for Christmas and I am praying you find a good new home. xo Diana

  6. Dewena, prayers being said for a safe trip back home. Home is so important to me, and I surely know what it's like to want to get back to the place that welcomes you, this place called "home." I will be here when you return, my dear friend.

    love, ~Sheri

  7. Welcome back, Dewena ♥ Hope you find a nice new home soon♥

  8. It's admire that you took a risk and tried something new by living in Jacksonville for a while, but realized it just wasn't "home". It's not easy to change your plan, but it's great to know your going to live where you feel most happy. As I've learned living in Chicago with Alex, there's just no place like Tennessee...we miss it and will be back someday. I just love Tennessee in the fall. - Melissa Aust

  9. I'm not sure if my original comment posted ( I had to make a blogger profile)

    I admire you taking a chance and trying something new by living in Jacksonville for a while. It's not easy to decide to change your plans, but I'm glad to know you will be living where you are most happy - home in Tennessee. Alex and I have learned living in Chicago that there is no place like Tennessee. We will be back someday. It is such a beautiful place this time of year.

    1. Hello dear Melissa, it was my fault by not getting to the computer soon enough to see your first comment. I hope so much that you and Alex (my grandson, folks!) do settle once again in TN someday, after some terrific newlywed years in Chicago.

      And we'll still see you here for Thanksgiving, I'm sure!

      Love to you and Alex!

  10. Dewena, I am happy that you and your husband are moving back to the place you know as home. I have now lived here 11 years and still wish I'd never moved. I miss living in town. So I understand that hometown pull. I will pray for you to find a great new home in your old hometown. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  11. Oh, Dewena, of course, we're still here! This is, after all, your home in our bloggerhood, and we've been peeping in through your window from time to time, hoping to catch up with you! I'm so glad that you've thrown open the shutters today to let us know of your WONDERFUL news!

    I know it sounds cliche, but, home really is 'where the heart is', the unique space that we believe is solely meant for us, our little piece of paradise, which speaks to us in a dialect that only we can understand. It's a place we've become accustomed to, it feels natural to us, but for others may not be so. It's just so personal!

    I'm ecstatic and relieved that you will be home soon. And although you will miss autumn in Tennessee this year, you know that it is permanently nestled in a cozy corner of your heart. It's a state of mind for you, part of your beautiful character; you live and breathe it every day.

    But, Christmas is right around the corner, and it will be extra special this year, with family and festivities to warm up your new home, which I can't wait to see!

    So, make sure you mark the boxes that hold your pretty scarves and sweaters; you'll be opening those first, I imagine, like an excited little girl on her birthday!

    Happy packing, my precious friend!


  12. Dewena, it's so good to hear from you! I'll keep you in my prayers for safe travels and that you'll find a good place to land:) Florida is lovely, but I'm so happy that you're heading back home to where you belong.

  13. This news does not surprise me. I had the feeling that you weren't feeling that Florida was the place for you to be full time. Also, I feel as if we are so much alike I felt very in tune to how you were missing your familiar environment; I would feel the very same way!

    I am wishing you the very best in your move back to where your heart is. Keep us posted!

  14. From necessity, I am a "bloom where you're planted" kind of girl, but some of us just aren't palm trees and do not flourish in those climes. Cheers to armloads of autumns in Tennessee!

    1. While I admire the beauty of palm trees, every time a different variety bloomed here, the sneezes began!

  15. You're to be admired for adventuring beyond your comfort zone to see if you would like Florida. And now commendation is in order for recognizing that you long to be "home" and are packing up again rather than just sticking it out.

    Wishing you a cozy place to settle and joy along the journey.

  16. oh
    darling sister mine!
    and there you actually thought that you wouldn't have anyone reading now???? do you not KNOW how much you are loved? and admired?
    we were all hoping this day would happen i think.
    you are not a hot climate girl.
    your heart is in those mountains. in the gentle spring breezes and the crisp autumns and the cold and snow of the cozy winters.
    you have to do right by your soul. and your soul is in those tennessee hills.
    i got on here last night at midnight right before going to bed and saw your notice of post. was too tired so waited til morning. and ... then ...
    this morning i simply COULD NOT get on the internet.
    ALL day i've tried. i finally was just now able to fix it! YES! by myself! ... messing with settings and netgear on my router. i was frantic. what could happen during the NIGHT???
    finally got to read your post and delight in all your well wishes from such lovely friends.
    and i'm SO PROUD to be one of them!
    love you always ♥

  17. Bless your hearts! I don't blame you for going back 'home'. I hope you find a lovely house to make your next 'home sweet home' soon.

    I'm sure Matthew helped in your decision. Hurricanes are so dang scary and this was my first one without my husband. I'm so glad the storm stayed east of us here where I am.

    I can hardly wait to read your next post. I've missed you.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  18. I'm so glad you're going home Dewena! You gave Florida your best, but Tennessee has your heart, as it appears to have the hearts of so many. Christmas will be a special time for you this year. Perhaps even more than usual. I think you'll see your home with new eyes, appreciating it even more than ever.

    I can't wait to see where you settle. Something tells me it will be a special place.


  19. Welcome back to the country, my sweet friend!! Yes, without a doubt, everyone should be home for Christmas!!

  20. Home is where the heart is and I think your heart is in Tennessee...
    I hope the move back and settling in can be done before Christmas.

    Sending warmest wishes and positive thoughts.
    Take care

    All the best Jan

  21. Dewena,
    Sometimes our journey in life takes some different turns and yours it to take you back to where you feel home is in your hearts. Florida is not for everyone.
    I feel it is a great place to vacation but not to live. My mom lives there and loves it but I like having the seasons too. I say that until the snow begins to fall and then Florida and other warm states will be looking good again lol! Good luck as you begin your journey back to where home is for you.

  22. Dewena, I'm happy to read this. It didn't seem like Florida was your place, and now you're going home to where you feel comfortable and love being. Happy that you made the decision, though I'm guessing it was a hard one. I'll be praying for just the right home for you. Exciting to be going home. xo Deborah

  23. Deweena, You are going home. I'm so glad for you, I did not see Florida as a place for you to stay. I'm so glad RH is on board, too. :-)

    Praying for a safe move for you.

    Can't wait to read your first post from Tennessee.

  24. Hello Dear Friend,
    I am happy you are heading home. I will be honest, I could tell you did not seem as happy in Florida. I am so happy things are working for you to head home.
    Looking forward to more posts from you. I have missed you.
    Love, Carla

  25. Yes, I am still at your window! :-) I'm not surprised you're going back to TN. I could tell that you weren't truly happy in FL. I hope you and your hubby find a new lovely place to live back in your home state. Blessings to you!

  26. I wish you and your husband all the best. You were courageous to make the move to Florida and the same holds true in returning 'home', We need to trust our instincts. Settle in and write when you can. We've missed you but you have some busy weeks ahead. You can't get rid of us this easily!!!

    Sending my love,


  27. Tennessee is my favorite state. I visit often, mostly in autumn. The Smoky Mountains are a comforting sight.

  28. So glad you dropped in!! Glad you liked the post! And WOW!!---packing up again!!---lots of hard work but it it gets you where your heart feels is home--then it will be worth it! Hope you find the perfect house and that it happens soon and that all goes smooth! Have sure missed your posts.

  29. Looking forward to seeing where you move. Hubby and I have put Tennessee on our list to visit to see if we want to live there when he retires. We live in WV right now.

  30. Wow! What a journey you've been on.

  31. I admire your spirit, Dewena! It took courage to make the jump to Florida and even more courage to say 'not for me' and to to go home. Home for Christmas - I hope it comes true for you!

  32. Dewena, I have been living in the same place my whole life and while I say now that I would follow my kids wherever they end up, I don't really know if I could do it. I am a homebody and love my familiar surroundings. I give you great credit for the move...and even more for the move back. Best of luck to you my friend. Here's to a home (back home) for the holidays!! xo

  33. It's good to hear from you, Dewena! Glad that you have made a decision to return to the place that makes you happy! Wishing you luck, and hoping that your Christmas present is a place to live in TN!

  34. I didn't think that you were happy with Florida / such a difference in weather, the whole bit...glad that you made a decision that is right for you ( though trying Florida was a brave adventure :)

  35. Glad to hear you are coming home! Happy Thanksgiving!
