Thursday, December 26, 2019

Oh, no! The Big Christmas Let Down has arrived!

For one special night RH and I had all four children together at one time! And their spouses, minus one daughter-in-law. 

And two of our four grandsons--only one in the picture above as the other took his wife and their two toddlers home before the picture was taken.

And our two granddaughters, front and center.

But the whole holiday period was filled with special family activities and lots of laughter and late night talks and days of cooking and dish washing.

It was so much fun!

And then the out of towners went home and the in towners went back to work today.

Guess who's left with the Big Christmas Let Down? 

That's right, I am. And yes, I know this picture is out of focus but then, so am I.

Anyone else out there feeling the Big Christmas Let Down?

What helps you get over it?

Do you take down all your Christmas decor rapidly?

I'm not that person, can't bear to say goodbye to it yet. I'm too much of a little girl playing house to pack it away yet.

RH and I just have to keep watching Christmas movies until we see all we missed. That is, when I can get him away from the Military Channel--what is it with that? Anyone else out there have a guy who's addicted to that channel?

I'm going to keep using the Christmas china at least through New Year's Eve.

[See how a platter lover stores platters in a small house? She doesn't!]

And there are at least a dozen holiday recipes I never got around to that I want to make between now and Twelfth Night. 

And as soon as I rest up I want to get out with my sister for some retail-on-sale therapy. We tried to the other day but only got as far as lunch out--don't worry, sis, I'll never tell why!

And there's always housework, which for some strange reason is unusually appealing to me now. Do you find that true after Christmas, too?

And then there is the siren call of early bedtimes and good books to read. So appealing!

It's not that Christmas itself was a let down, unlike Marcy in the quote below from Nelia Gardner White's The Thorn Tree.

Marcy sat alone with the tree, all the sound gone, everything gone but the tree. When David came in much later she still sat there, alone, quiet. David sat down with his coat still on. "Christmas," he said flatly. "I don't know what we expected of it," Marcy said.

I remember experiencing a couple of Christmases like Marcy has and I'm so grateful my let down is of a different kind. To anyone who did experience that, I'm so sorry. My piddling complaint must seem ridiculous to you. I hope that things get better soon for you.

To those of you who leave the holidays behind with a big smile on your face, what is your secret, you lucky dog, you?

But for anyone else just not ready to say goodbye to the wonderful cozy happy festive season of goodwill, what do you do to cheer yourself up? I am so very interested in your ideas!



  1. Well, I have to say that I'm one who takes things down right away haha, but I always seem to put things out very early so I can enjoy them the whole month of December. Although I do put things away after Christmas, I continue to watch the Christmas shows that are still on, like you, and sip on hot coffee and savor goodies. So, some things linger on. I like to start the new year with a clear mind and a fresh start, and I know the beautiful Christmas season will be here once again. This is a wonderful family picture, and that little one in the front gets to me every time. : ) Wishing you so much goodness in the new year, dear Dewena.

    love, ~Sheri

    1. That little one keeps us all entertained, Sheri! As I'm sure your little granddaughters do too. A wonderful New Year to you too!

  2. I take things down around the third of January. We have 3 birthdays around Xmass and Newyear so that helps celebrational feelings to stay put. We (in the Netherlands) do celebrate old/Newyeat also in the grand, so my answer is, just celebrate on! Eventually though it has to go but around the 3rd I am so ready for it, and then is is ok.

    1. Wendy, how nice to hear from someone from the Netherlands! What a beautiful country you have! Thank you for leaving a message and I'll have to see if I can follow your name link. Have a Happy New Year!

  3. I feel the let down every year too, Dewena. The preparation and anticipation is so much more fun than the cleanup and put away. I always get a little melancholy taking the ornaments off the tree and carefully packing them away for next year, and everything looks so BARE when the greenery is packed away and decorations are stored away. On a positive note, thanks for visiting my blog. Please go back and visit again; I revised and added. I had not taken the proper time to write and edit the first time. It may take me awhile to get back into the blogging grove!

    1. I will go back again, Brenda, it was such a pleasure to see that you're blogging again. And I'm another one who revises and revises, even after publishing a post. I started to revise the title of this one because in a text I got from my sister this morning I realized I should have spelled Let Down as Letdown. These things just don't pop out at me while I'm writing them. However on this one thing I think I'll let it stay, just looked better as two words.

      My sister assured me that she too is feeling down after the Big Day is past. And she sent me a picture of her dining room table extended for many guests, with the beautiful plaid tablecloth and centerpiece still on it. So pretty but such a picture of how we feel, all dressed up but no one here anymore. And yet we're still not ready to pack it all away.

      At least I'm not alone in feeling this way!

  4. I think the reason we feel holiday letdown is because there's so much build up and excitement over what's to come. I enjoy some of it, but every year I vow to do less. For example, this year I decorated less. But I found that I said yes to too many Christmas parties and socializing and I ended up exhausted and burnt out from too much people-ing. So next year, I'm cutting back on that. Saying no to most of the parties.

    For me, Christmas is over on the 26th. My decor is almost completely taken down. All I have left is the little tree and I'm enjoying the lights and ornaments left on it. Otherwise, I love the clean, uncluttered look.

    PS - your house looks beautiful. I'd love to see more stories and photos of your house! :-)

    Much love, good health and peace to you and RH for the New Year,

    1. Melanie, I knew you'd be ready to take it down! Your parties looked like so much fun and it probably was good for you in a way as a distraction from Tim having moved out of state recently. But fatigue surely does play a part in feeling down for most of us.

      Thank you for the PS! I guess I often hesitate to post pictures of my rooms because this old 1935 cottage is not the popular blog look of white walls. But I do love these old V-groove boards walls and they were made for Christmas time. I would never paint over them, they are so cozy at night.

      Love to you and a wonderful 2020 to you and Brian!

  5. I decided to postpone the Christmas letdown by having a holiday tea party tomorrow. My house is a disaster so it was not a brilliant idea, although I took off today and yesterday to tidy up. Just now, I had an avalanche in my kitchen from the pots and pans I had stuffed back into the cabinet. It is my own fault, I know, but sadly my brand new-used only once glass deviled egg platter was the casualty and now there is glass everywhere. I am afraid all my domestic efforts end in chaos! Naturally, I had to take a break. I think I need tea now as well and perhaps some lunch.

    1. Oh Constance, I'm so sorry about the glass deviled egg platter being broken! I hope there aren't too many slivers to find. Yes, have a cup of tea and some nourishment and then you can face everything with calmer nerves. Good luck on your tea party, I hope it does help to extend the Christmas celebration.

  6. I thought about taking Christmas down yesterday, but not for long, I'll wait until New Year's day I think. I just love the joy and sparkle, the colors, the shapes, the memories, the story of Christmas. It's always a bummer to me when it all is packed back up. But, at the same time, we have a new year to celebrate and be thankful for.

    Love your house dear Dewena. I have a star light like you have over your dining table, but mine has colored glass. We bought it at the flea market over 30 years ago for $5.

    Thank you for your love and encouragement through the years. You are a blessing in my life. May you and RH have a wonderful 2020. Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, you are a blessing in my life also! I had always wanted a Moravian star and a few years ago we found this one at a Pottery Barn sidewalk sale but not quite the bargain you found.

      I love the joy and sparkle and everything else about Christmas that you wrote about, Lorraine. We'll hold onto it a little longer, okay?

  7. I know the feeling of Christmas let down. It is inevitable each year. All the preparing and gifting and backing and just getting ready for the big day is so exciting and then it is over in one day. I get what you are feeling. I have one more dinner party tonight for Christmas and then we watch our grand girls for a week then I will take down the Christmas. I like the sparkle of the lights at night so I keep it up until after the holidays are competely over. Wishing you a great 2020 with more peace in our world and more joy and happiness.

    1. Maybe I shouldn't be glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way after Christmas, Kris, but I do find comfort that I'm not. We'll get over it though! You have fun with the grands this week, Kris!

  8. Our house was full from top to bottom with family on Christmas Day. I'm so glad that we in Canada get to celebrate further on Boxing Day, as well. This whole week between Christmas and New Year's always feels festive to me. My parents left for home this morning, so I've been doing a little laundry. Our daughter and son-in-law along with 6 month old Iris are still here and we're loving the special time with that little munchkin. The house is a bit of a disaster, but I'm feeling quite mellow. I savour these quieter days as part of the holidays, but then I have to go back to work on the 6th so perhaps it will feel different when I'm home all the time. I'm thinking of new projects for the new year, too, some sewing and writing, and some re-organization in the house. Those things help me look forward, as well.

    Your family all together is lovely. And I think your platter storage is genius!

    1. Lorrie, I try to talk RH into observing Boxing Day every year but it just doesn't work! Your holiday with family sounds wonderful. It's the little munchkins who help make it special, isn't it? I hope you share some of the writing projects with us, Lorrie. I enjoyed your Christmas story last year so much!

  9. I think I feel a sense of relief after Christmas. It wears me out, even with all of the joy and homespun activities. But I'll keep my decorations up for a bit.

    It sounds like you really had a joyous Christmas and it's always hard to say goodbye to loved ones. I was blessed with having all four of my kids and grandchildren here on Christmas morning. I did not go out for any sales, I'm actually trying to give aways so many Christmas decorations and much more. Wanting to be more minimalistic and also knowing that I have some real dust catchers!

    Love to you, dear Dewena!❤️

    1. I hope you can get some good quality rest this week, Jane. We don't want you getting sick again. I'm sure you pushed yourself beyond what you should have but just having your family all together is wonderful, especially the little grands in your family now make it all worth it, I know. You take care!

    2. Jane, I just visited your blog and see that recently being sick has been the least of your problems. You are so lucky to not have been hurt worst. Please be careful!

  10. Dewena, the blue dots on the picture just came out that way. It was raining that day, and the sunrise was starting to come out in the background. Love those unexpected pictures that come out different like that. Are you getting ready for the new year? 2020, wow. : )

    1. It was a lovely shot, Sheri, however you managed to get it! Yes, 2020! A new decade!

  11. Wow, Dewena...that quote from The Thorn That really hit home. I still have my trees up, but everything else has been put away. Usually I keep them up much longer. It was just time for me this year...summer anyone? 😉

    1. When I read your current post, Kim, after having published this one of mine, my heart went out to you. But knowing you, I have all faith that you will figure out how to get that Christmas spirit back next year. And your dear mother's spirit and the sweet memories of her will year by year enrich your own future Christmases. Give yourself time!

  12. I think that it is natural to feel disappointed and out of sorts when something wonderful - be it Christmas of a vacation or anything else - that you've been waiting and waiting for is suddenly over. For me the trick is to look forward to the next wonderful thing :-) There is always something. But also to take the time and think about the great experience you've had (and your family's happy smiles tell that story), look through the photos, remember the little things. Enjoy.

    1. Amalia, thank you so much for your words of wisdom! I'm already feeling better but I will put your ideas into practice at once. And there's always Valentine's Day ahead, right?

  13. I had to enlarge every pic, starting with that sweet and happy family photo, to get a close up of all those beaming smiles! Did you notice that you are all wearing colours that match AND complement Valley View's seasonal decor?! Uncanny! LOVE this pic so much!!

    Home Hill is SO cozy and darling, Dewena! You have done such an exquisite job decorating every room; it truly looks like the setting of a romantic Hallmark Christmas movie - the one where the leading lady manages to maneuver her man from his current amour - the military channel!

    Your Christmas bedroom melts my heart, Dewena! It belongs in the pages of a storybook - for grown up girls, who would lose themselves in all that festive prettiness! I would be sure to spend as much 'me' time, there, snuggled under the covers, leafing through favourite holiday decor magazines, reading beloved authors and cookbooks, catching up with family and friends on social media, or simply being in the magic of the moment! Letdown or let ever you want to spell it, doesn't matter, for it would not exist!

    Similarly, perhaps RH just can't bear to leave his armchair, where he indulges in the comfort of all your cute Christmas touches, and the soldier story is just a cover up! Ha! In any case, the mini forest niche, stacks of platters and throw covers, for your outdoorsy hubby (trees), mean food will be served on that crockery (platters), while he's watching his favourite shows bundled up in blankets (throws): total hygge heaven for your guy, right?!!

    As you know, I keep Christmas up until Epiphany. Then, it's a matter of how much time and energy I have, re: taking it all down. This year, I had choir rehearsals twice a week for three weeks, as well as a few Christmas gatherings to attend, in the city, so I didn't get a chance to decorate until two days before Christmas!  Needless to say, I was a bit of a basket case, working non-stop for hours, not getting enough sleep, but did get it done for Christmas Eve. I am truly enjoying every minute of it and loved creating completely new vignettes, (especially on the credenza/Welsh dresser), while humming along to holiday favourites, to calm me down!

    As far as the letdown goes, I made sure to keep the festive feeling flowing by hosting a Christmas Tea for eight, yesterday, and will continue to invite friends over for quieter tête-à-têtes, to further enjoy the decorations and all the sweet treats!

    From the second I set eyes on this gorgeous post, I've had a huge smile planted on my face! Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and images.

    Happy New Year to you and your family, Dewena. All the best in health and happiness in 2020!

    Sending love and hugs,
    Poppy xoxo

    1. Poppy, I hadn't noticed that we all were dressed fairly complimentary but that's good. We didn't clash! Daniel took some photos first of our group on his Christmas gift to himself, an old unusual film camera, his first roll of film to try in it. And then he switched to a digital camera. And amazingly, throughout the whole session we all had the best time, repeating "carrots and peas" over and over, Zack and Court's Big Lug photo bombing and pushing his way in and out our legs but not holding still posed by the little one on the couch in what would have been the perfect Christmas card pose. It was so much fun even though it was the end of the evening.

      Thank you so much, dear Poppy, for your sweet compliments on our own little home! I guess it takes a few years to know what a different house needs and this Christmas I gave in to the fact that this is a 1935 cottage and embraced its cozy Christmas cabin vibes. And we loved it.

      But it's funny how you and I both love our greens and reds, you in your home far away from mine. We do it differently but your look works for you and mine for me, using our favorite colors.

      Your putting your own Christmasy decor up so late this year is actually what most people did when I was growing up. And leaving it up until Epiphany makes perfect sense then. I've been leaving mine up through the whole Twelve Days of Christmas for quite a while now and I keep the Christmas music playing that long too.

      Your tea for the ladies was amazing and I loved the stories on Instagram! I especially loved hearing you speaking Greek as you introduced the ladies around the table! Your speaking voice is as lovely as your singing voice! Happy 2020 to you, dear friend!

  14. this makes the second or third time I've come here and looked at the wonderful pictures and read the descriptions and soak up the love! and I read everyone's own comments and your replies... it's like a Christmas Feast Dewena! and I understand how you could feel let down.
    our own was very low key and has been that way since Christmas. Jacob got the flu and ran a high fever for a few days. the first night which was the 23rd I think... was the only time we were all together. one gave the bug to another then another. I feel so sorry for them.. coming all this way! but they leave tomorrow so Mike can be home in time to report to base. he says he feels better. whether it's his discipline or if he really does... I hope so! thank you for sharing your beautiful Christmas. it's just as Poppy said! (and I dearly love the quote.) xoxoxo

    1. Tammy, I'm so sorry the family was sick! I guess that started with the airline flight? The best laid plans, right? Whether it's the holidays or not. I remember one Christmas when it hit some of our kids at Christmas.I'm hoping that at least Mike got some extra rest during the time.

      I'm so glad you enjoyed the pictures, wish I'd thought to include one of BreeBree and James Mason too but I'll email one of them to you soon and more of the little princesses. Love to you!

  15. "But the whole holiday period was filled with special family activities and lots of laughter and late night talks and days of cooking and dish washing.

    It was so much fun!"

    Oh Dewena, it sounds absolutely wonderful … but I do agree there is so often an empty (or let down) feeling afterwards. I love to re-think, re-live the special moments and keep busy … until my usual 'focus' returns :)

    My good wishes for the coming New Year.

    All the best Jan

    1. I am finding that keeping busy does seem to be the key, Jan. And that's not hard to do, as we all know from experience. All the best to you in 2020 also, Jan!

  16. Happy New Year Dewena Dear!
    Now, gathering 4 adult children together in your home over Christmas time is indeed a feat! I can only imagine the joy that your Mother's heart felt! Such a wonderful photo and your home is positively charming, welcoming and says to me HOME-LOVE-CARE-MAMA LOVES YOU! I always go into a funk after the Holidays. I'm really fighting it hard this year, as it's just too hard to crawl out of the pit. I have been watching the British Bake Off (is't the best as you know) and tapping into as much creativity as I can muster. Lovely to see you doing so well and thank you for the sweetness on my blog!

    1. Jemma dear, I must clarify that our hosts on the night when we gathered for our family party were our daughter-in-law Courtney and our son Zack. They are the ones who bought our Valley View when we downsized, and they are the most hospitable hosts, welcoming everyone back to the family home where so many of our Christmas memories took place. The first two photos are from their home and the following ones are from our new small and cozy home where we only had room for one of our sons and his family to stay with us.

      But you are so very right! My heart was full of joy just watching these adult children of ours talk and laugh together and catch up after a long absence, our daughter and her husband, now from Montana, not having been home in a year.

      I must try to watch the British Bake Off! You are the second person to tell me I should! But then, you are the master baker who could copy the creations on that show. There's just not much that you can't create, my friend!

  17. There is nowhere to go BUT down, right? And I am sick, after smooching with all the sick babies and other people. So while I normally would have a lot of energy for housework now that they've all left, I do not have any such thing! I have to go to bed and hope that in the morning I can do a few little things, and at least make a dent.

    I'm so happy that you had all your children together! The cooking and dishwashing - yes!! I know just what you mean. I already went shopping and bought Christmas-y fabric to make gift bags with for next year. It was on sale 80% off!

    Happy New Year, Dewena!

    1. You are thinking ahead, Gretchen! But I hope you're feeling better soon so you can tackle all the projects I know must be looming after a major renovation. But what fun it will be once all the workmen are gone! Happy New Year, Gretchen!

  18. God is good, you had almost everyone for Christmas !!

    Their leaving is sad. But not. You raised them as ships built to sail, not stay in harbor.

    Best in 2020 for you and all your loved ones.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

    1. I must remember that, dear Tara. You always pull me back on track--and give me dreams for the future.

      All the best to you and your Beloved in 2020, Tara!

  19. I'm sorry you're experiencing a let down, Dewena. I suppose that's common to those who have big family gatherings in their homes where's there's a real sense of celebration. There's so much to do to prepare, and all the anticipation of how it will be when you're all together, and then the day comes and before you know it -- "whoosh" it's over. Perfectly understandable that there would be a let down. Be kind to yourself and take your time in "putting Christmas away". Do it when you're ready. There are no rules. :) Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter. Now on to other thoughts --- I LOVE your home. Oh, the warmth of the pine walls and ceiling, the perfectly wonderful green door, and all your antiques and vintage pieces. Your home has that collected look I admire. It says, "welcome" and "love lives here". Looking forward to what you share in the new year. Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy! I am so glad you like our home! And honestly, after five decades of marriage it couldn't be otherwise than collected, right?

      And by now as I write this on the first day of a new year, I'm mostly over my big let down. Mostly because I'm too busy to have time to be moping! And thank God for the wonderful busy days.

      Happy New Year to you, Nancy!

  20. First of all, your plates are beautiful and plentiful!
    I find that washing dishes at Christmas time is FUN, crazy I know.

    For the let down, we have invited friends over for the month of January, get-together's. This was all done before Christmas. With so many friends busy at Christmas, this helps with seeing those we couldn't and "the let downs".

    1. You find that washing dishes at Christmas is fun? I love that and wish that I did too! While it is enjoyable washing the pretty china by hand, I can't say that I enjoy facing the big pots and pans.

      That is a brilliant idea, having already made plans for January guests. It gives you something to look forward to and lots to do getting ready for them. Have fun!

  21. I think your letdown is very, very normal. To have all the family together is so perfect - just like when the kids were little kids, only now even richer.
    I am a "taker-downer" right after Christmas. By the 26th our tree and decorations have been up nearly a month, and I filled myself with them for all that time. But after the day itself, I am ready for the cleaning up. I rather enjoy it actually. I sure do understand how you are feeling, though. Maybe you could have the kids who live close over for a little get-together?

    1. Nan, I would have figured you for a Christmas lingerer! As much as we share in common, we do differ this way. Alas, one of our sons is busy with a home building project and the other is busy taking care of our daughter-in-law who just had surgery so we won't be having them for dinner guests for a while. But we are trying to help out with delivered meals to them.

      On to the good books of 2020, dear friend!

  22. Hello Friend, I also leave my decorations and tree up for sometime after the holiday. We will take down our tree January 12th. I will leave my other decorations and twinkle lights until the first of February.

    We are having family outings in January to help with the winter blues as well.
    Love, Carla

    1. Carla, my friend from the beautiful Midwest! A woman after my own heart, leaving your tree up to mid January! And twinkle lights and other touches up through the dark month! I'm with you, girl!
