Thursday, March 21, 2024

Spring and Mrs. Daffodil


Every couple of years I reread Gladys Taber's Mrs. Daffodil in March. It's almost wrong to say this is a novel when it reads instead as Gladys Taber's autobiography, with names changed. 

For example, Gladys' bosom friend Faith Baldwin (see the illustration of Faith Baldwin at the top of every blog post of Dewena's Window) is named Hope Alden in Mrs. Daffodil. During their annual week's visits, they read each others' manuscripts--that's true trust--settle the problems of the world, and go antique shopping together.

I always laugh with Mrs. Daffodil as she recounts the various hired help she and her lifelong friend and housemate Kay (Jill) employ over the years whose ineptitude causes the two women to work even harder than usual. This also brings to mind the five years I had the most wonderful helper named Pam and what I wouldn't give for her now. 

And I cry for Mrs. Daffodil at the end of the book when she says of her husband, someone Gladys rarely mentions in her books, the sentences that tell so much.

She remembered Henry, but pushed the memory aside. Henry was an upright man, but life with him had been anything but one of those partnerships she read about. The truth was, she reflected sadly, that she and Henry had been entirely unsuited. They had just rocked along.

She said a little prayer for Henry.

I read Mrs. Daffodil before falling asleep at night through the first spring like warm days of March when the daffodils bloomed behind the barn, those in the wild area that looked as if some former resident had forked up mounds of dirt where daffodil bulbs had been tossed.


So warm were the days that James Mason and BreeBree went to the groomer for a short haircut.


And I read Mrs. Daffodil when March became her true chilly self.


I lit candles at night as the temperatures fell, especially this pretty one from Court that was a Christmas gift and smells divine.

 I finished Mrs. Daffodil and went back to some old Peter Shandy mysteries, and in the daytime I listened to biography audiobooks while doing some spring chores. I listened to this one in honor of my Star Trek trekki sons and found it to be a fascinating account of a complex man--both Leonard Nimoy and Mr. Spoke. [Sorry, typo--Mr. Spock!]

I hung some spring tea towels in the kitchen...

 Cleaned out some kitchen drawers...

And up went a few little sweet things on the kitchen shelves--the Peter Rabbit cutout saved from Christy's childhood.

 I mixed up some buttermilk waffle batter one day for a special waffle breakfast with Tennessee country sausage, hashbrown casserole and eggs. Melted butter and hot maple syrup.

Attended by our guests, Christy home for the weekend and her big brother who dashed over to see her. If only I had managed to get her whole beautiful face in the picture!

And RH and I will be getting another visit from family Easter weekend, our granddaughters and their parents!

Can you guess where they were one day on spring break?

Now that's way too easy, isn't it? And I know you can guess how much I enjoy visits from family, even quick weekend ones. 

For such is the stuff of bliss, isn't it, dear readers? And Mrs. Daffodil? 


  1. Oh, how I loved every word of this post. It was like the sun coming out. Thank you!

    1. That makes me so happy, Nan! Thank you so much!

  2. Oh, I would love to read that book you chat about by Gladys Taber. I'll have to add it to my wish list. Your brunch looks delicious, Dewena!

    1. I'm sure you would enjoy Mrs. Daffodil, Brenda!

  3. Mrs. Daffodil looks like a delightful book! I just might have to see if my online sources carry this one. Looks like your feathering your nest just in time for spring. I brought out a couple of spring dish towels and some bunnies, but that's it for now. Hard to feel spring-ish during a snow storm (going on right now)! Your breakfast looks and sounds amazing ~ and lucky you to have such delightful company. <3

    1. Your snow storm pictures from today are beautiful, Melanie, and I guess it's still possible for more there. I remember getting one late April snow here in Nashville but somehow I think we're finished for now. Melanie, I saw from your other message that Mrs. Daffodil is now quite exorbitant and am sorry about that. I must put a note in my copy for my kids not to donate it someday!

  4. That breakfast sure looks delicious--- so glad you get some time with loved ones! I will read that book if I come upon it. Happy happy Spring! Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous, LOL

    1. Happy Spring to you, Debbi! and I'm so glad you let me know it was you leaving this sweet comment!

  5. Mrs. Daffodil sounds like a book I would enjoy. I will be looking for it. Thank you for this lovely, lovely post, Dewena, from waffles to beautiful daughters, books, and spring delights.

    1. Thank you so much, Lorrie! And I hope you can find more of dear Gladys' books!

  6. Happy March! This is the springiest post ever. I agree with all the enthusiasm already expressed. Your daughter is so beautiful, it is quite evident even with only seeing 2/3 of her face. She looks happy, too. <3

    1. Thank you so much, Gretchen Joanna! Christy always brings joy to everyone and especially to her parents!

  7. Gladys Taber's Mrs. Daffodil looks like a fun read. I just looked it up and I think I'm going to see if I can find a copy. I love your beautiful new towel. It's perfect for spring!!

    1. I do hope you can find a copy, Kim. And isn't it amazing how much a pretty kitchen towel makes us happy? One of the inexpensive luxuries of life!

  8. What a scrumptious breakfast buffet you cooked up for your special guests, Dewena! I'm sure it brought back precious memories of their mama's delectable delights! Your beautiful daughter and sweet son look very cozy and comfy. You must be feeling very blessed to have your youngest son and his girls spend Easter with you next week!

    I love the pic of the trees and snow; are those blossoms on the trees or snowflakes?! I can't tell!

    Like you, I had the urge to start decluttering, cleaning and beautifying my home as soon as the weather got a little warmer and the sunlight shone more brightly. I might go and pick the first of the wild daisies on my walk today and plop them on the coffee table for some yellow bling! Your pretty daffodils are adorable in that blue vase; are they scented? If so, I wonder if it is as pungent as our wild narcissus, whose fragrance is fruity, sweet and intoxicating!

    And speaking of 'daffodils', I love your description of the author's friendship with her bestie, true trust, indeed! On the contrary, it is sad on how she reflects about her relationship with her husband.

    Wishing you and yours a very joyful season!
    Poppy xx

    1. I saw your wild daisies today on Instagram, Poppy, and they're beautiful! No, those particular daffodils were not truly scented and that's not snow on the trees by the pond. And actually the kids will be here before Easter but return home for Easter service at their local church.

      How I'd love to smell the wild narcissus of the lovely hills around your home!

  9. I like all the Spring touches around your home, Dewena. They are heartwarming. It's always good to do some clearing out with such things we don't need or want anymore. The photo of the little Dachshunds is so cute. The yellow daffodils look pretty in the blue vase. The pop of yellow seems to go so nicely with your blue pieces. I just saw the first daffodils sprouting up down the street. Your waffle breakfast looks delicious. There's nothing like a big breakfast of sausage and eggs, is there? Enjoy your family when you see them. It's always a treat to see our loved ones. Oh, and I love that candle, by the way. Candles always make our homes so cozy and welcoming.

    Happy Spring, Dewena!


    1. Thank you so much, Sheri! Yes, such a treat to be with family, as you well know. I'd forgotten that you are living at a higher elevation now until you mentioned that you're just now seeing daffodils. And you had quite a bit of snow this winter. I loved our week of it but am happy to welcome Spring.

    2. Yes, there was snow on the feeder. The hummingbirds visit during all the seasons at my neighbor's feeder, and I can get a good look through my window, as it's just right next door. Although, I usually don't see them in freezing temperatures. The are such a sight, and it is a blessing whenever I do see them.

      Happy Easter, Dewena!

  10. Dewena, thank you for sharing your story about your granddaughter and the squirrel. Oh my, that must have frightened her. I didn't mention on my post, but I'm actually scared of the squirrel, mainly because I don't like any and all rodents. I'm so sorry one hurt your granddaughter at the point of having to go to the doctor. They aren't my favorite animal to see up here, but since living in the mountains, I see them all the time. And since Spring has arrived, even more.

    Happy April days, Dewena.


  11. 🌼I Love this So much… ThankYou…I too reread old favorites seasonally & throughout the year… Like old Friends 📕 📚 📖 ☕️🫖😊🙏
