Friday, March 21, 2014

The Simple Things of Life - # 7

The Simple Things of Life Are the Best…

Like an Old Green Kitchen Chair.

Re: Picasso by Beverley Nichols

"I am equally convinced that Picasso, when he chooses,
can out-draw, out-paint and out-think
any artist in the world today.

"But most of all I am convinced that as long as I live
the prospect of mustaches growing out of violins
surrounded by decapitated frogs…

"will, for some occult reason,
fail to arouse in me the same pleasurable emotions
as are aroused by the sight of a spray of apple-blossom,

"or a face well painted,
or even an honest kitchen chair."

Beverley Nichols in
All That I Could Never Be

[I love this old green kitchen chair. We found it and its twin in the smokehouse when we bought this old farmhouse, abandoned furniture, not thought worthy of being moved by the sellers.  Cleaned up, they were the old "kitchen green" of the 1930s and are now treasured as the work of art they truly are. In lieu of apple blossoms, sprays of Pieris japonica adorn the old kitchen chair.]