Thursday, February 5, 2015

Men Like Red

"It is axiomatic:

all men like red.

"They decorate their clubs in that fiery color;

"if they are gardeners,
they use red abundantly
in their borders;

"many of them, did their wives permit,
would fancy themselves in red cravats."

Richardson Wright

Editor in chief of House & Garden
for 35 years


  1. As you know, I love a bit of red myself. Are you putting out extra red for Valentine's Day?

  2. love it!

    and oh that young Elizabeth Taylor! what an act to (try to) follow, for an impressionable 10-11 year old young me. :-))))

    and I like that red cravat!!!!!!!!!


  3. OH MY!
    LOVE this!
    and though not a man... I love it too. always a spot of red. somewhere.
    if not 'manywhere!'

  4. That's a beautiful picture of Miss Taylor and I love a man in a Cravat, if he can carry it off ;)


  5. That's a gorgeous cravat. Fun post!

  6. Oh, I love this post, Dewena, as RED is a favorite of mine. Yes, I do believe that men love red too. Isn't Liz a beauty? And there's something about red flowers that stirs my heart.

    love, ~Sheri

  7. Wow, Elizabeth Taylor sure was a knock out! I think I like a man in a cravat too and that red one is handsome! My husband would never wear one!!! LOL! I have to admit, that I like red too! Happy Weekend Dewena!

  8. Just wanted you to know that I put you on my side bar as "lovely blogs." :~)

  9. Ah, yes... of course men like red! They always have, it seems, ever since prehistoric times, as it is the colour of fire and blood. No red lipstick to attract those macho neanderthals way back in the BCs, and still it was, (and is), the colour that captivates the human heart, literally making us STOP in our tracks; it's no coincidence that those road signs are painted in this most brilliant hue! There are various symbolic meanings to this bold shade, stemming from religious ones to pop culture. Regardless, the unbelievably beautiful Liz Taylor, wrapped in this passionate pigment is, surely, pure temptation, and one that any man would find hard to resist!

    A very observant post, my dear friend!


  10. I'm a fan of red, myself, so I thoroughly enjoyed your "Red" post. How gorgeous was Elizabeth Taylor?! Wow.

  11. A dash of red is good for everyone. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  12. Cute post! Oooh, love that photo of Liz!

  13. No one does red quite like Elizabeth! I wonder how old she is in the that picture, for surely she never looked more stunning...and that's saying a LOT.

  14. Dewena,
    Back from my visit to my daughters home and celebrating Molly's Big Birthday.
    So, catching up on my favorite blogs. Wasn't Elizabeth Taylor a beauty with her mane of black hair, vibrant violet eyes, perfect features and then adorned in this passionate red dress. These red, red roses are gorgeous and when I think about it, I am a fan of red too! Guess the men folk are on to something...

  15. Happy Valentine's Day, Dewena!

    love, ~me
